November 2020 & 2021 Schedule Announcement

Hello everyone,

We regret to announce at this time that our November 2020 event has been cancelled. Kim has been informed and our deposit has been pushed back to 2021. We have been following the numbers released and news and at this time we see no responsible way that our game can take place in person in a meaningful way without contributing to the spread of COVID 19. This decision was not made lightly and we wanted to inform Kim at Possum Trot and have everything squared away before we announced. While this is slightly further in advance than we had hoped to make this announcement the fact is that the trends combined with the foreseeable public policies mean that we do not have confidence that we can have everyone together.

That being said, we are announcing dates for March 12-14, 2021. We understand that those dates still might not be safe but that is the furthest out stretch we could push our original deposit for March. We still might negotiate pushing that back but at this time we are putting down a date and committing to review the situation closer to the event as we have done so for this year. We remain committed to only running our game in a safe and healthy environment and will continue to evaluate the situation as it exists closer to the event proper. At this time we are not confirming any other dates and we hope to revisit the state of affairs and have some statement on that by February of 2021.

Please rest assured that ATE is in a strong enough financial position that even if we cancel those dates and lose the deposit that we are fine. If any of you need a refund for any reason (or no reason at all) please contact us at At this time all pre-payments are assumed to be for the currently scheduled March event. No new subscriptions will be offered for 2021. Ann will be reaching out to all 2020 subscribers directly and individually to discuss options by the end of 2020. If you wish to start that conversation please feel free to reach out to

We miss you all dearly and we’ll see you on the other side.

-The Staff